Tuesday Aug. 25th 2020

Amazing Chase Launches!


It’s time to get out of the house and hit the streets! The Amazing Chase is a new tour concept from the Albuquerque Tourism & Sightseeing Factory (AT&SF). This “live” event is part pub trivia, part scavenger hunt, and part Cash Cab. Competitors will venture out into the city with their “Chase Crew” as if they were chasing a hot air balloon around the city; driving around as if the wind were your guide, you will be competing against other Chase Crews by collecting points for visiting iconic (and sometimes hidden) ABQ locations.


The only requirement to play is to have a vehicle and a cellphone that can send and receive text messages.


The leader of The Amazing Chase is “Crew Chief Casey.” Casey will be providing chase clues via text message, assisting you on your Chase, and even calling you with challenges and trivia questions. Each player may be assigned a position on the Chase Crew.

You may “chase” as a solo player, or have up to 5 people on your Chase Crew.



The Amazing Chase: ABQ

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